The DataPopEU Corpus has been uploaded to CLARIN EL

The Corpus of Texts created in the framework of the ELIDEK-funded DataPopEU project "Innovative methods and high-quality data for the research of populism and Euroscepticism" has been uploaded to the repository of Clarin EL the National Infrastructure for Linguistic Resources & Technologies for language data & language processing tools.

The DataPopEU corpus was uploaded in collaboration with Apollonis AUTH. APOLLONIS was created by the partnership of the National Network of Language Technology clarin:el and the National Network of Digital Infrastructures for the Humanities DARIAH-GR/DYAS, which are components of the respective European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH.

The DATAPOPEU Corpus contains publications of the Greek press concerning the years 2020 and 2021. The subject matter concerns European Affairs (with keywords based on the root Europ*), references to the concept of the people (with keywords that based on the root lao*) and populism (with keywords based on the root laik*).

The corpus consists of 6 subcorpora:
1. 2020_evropi with 10042431 words related to references to the term europe* for the year 2020
2. 2021_evropi with 12255882 words related to references to the term europe* for the year 2021
3. 2020_laos with 10701279 words related to references to the term laos* for the year 2020
4. 2021_laos with 10797296 words related to references to the term laos* for the year 2021
5. 2020_laikismos with 3573461 words related to references to the term laik* for the year 2020
6. 2021_laikismos with 3488772 words related to references to the term laik* for the year 2021

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The research work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (Project Number: 3572).

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