DataPopEU News


Welcome to DataPopEU project

Supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.), the DataPopEU project develops novel methods and techniques to collect, process (clean) and analyze internet and big volume data to systematically investigate the significant political patterns of populism and Euroscepticism in the Greek context. Our research team works together to produce high quality data referring to populist and Euroscepticist issues as they are expressed by Greek political parties, politicians and voters, relying on web surveys and social media. Moreover, DataPopEU project intends to maximize the quality of information contained in our data by combining the different datasets and develop a compass for populism and Euroscepticism (PopEUCompass) which will help citizens find their proximity to populist and Eurosceptic political parties.
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The DataPopEu team


How to improve the quality of political representation?

DataPopEU's PI, Ioannis Andreadis, explains how citizens can compare their personal views with the views of political parties using online tools.

Current Research Activities of the DataPopEU project

Take a look at the latest findings of the DataPopEU project as they were presented at ECPR Virtual General Conference, 24 – 28 August 2020.

Conducting online experiments for the 2019 Parliamentary Candidate Survey in order to collect high quality data. Web-surveys are being used more and more often in social sciences, as a fast and low-cost mode of data collection. However, there are some serious drawbacks which are mainly related to the absence of an interviewer such as low response rates. Furthermore, the length of the survey instrument affects considerably the response behavior. The aim of this paper is to study whether different web survey designs affect the response rate of a candidates’ survey. … [Read more at Using Web Surveys to Collect Data from Candidates: Experience from the Greek Candidate Survey]

Congruence between candidates MPs and voters in Greece over the last decade. Congruence between voters’ and candidates’ policy position is a key element of political representation. This paper intends to study congruence between candidate MPs and their party voters in Greece during the last decade (2009-2019). … [Read more at Exploring Congruence in Greece (2009-2019)]

The impact of MP tweets on their electoral success. As candidates are increasingly using Twitter in their political communication, a question about its effectiveness as a political marketing tool is raised. Of course, along Twitter usage, there are more “traditional” political campaigning tools such as door-knocking, visiting businesses and social organizations etc. The aim of this paper is to study the factors that could influence the electoral performance of the candidate MPs and whether Twitter usage is one of them… [Read more at Measuring the impact of candidates’ tweets on their electoral results]

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The research work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (Project Number: 3572).

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